Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This is gonna be new for me again......

Well i keep coming on and off of this thing, but i really want to keep up with it. Theres been so much going on with me and mines lately, that things need to get reevaulated and adjusted.....with that being said, i definitly need to at least blog more.

SO the holidays are coming up and theres so much to do, and not enough time in the day to get it done. But hopefully these next few weeks FLY by, i love the holidays, but not so much this year. I have to spend it alone, without my hunny, and it sucks so much. But anyhoot!!!

Some of the things im looking foward to is making CHRISTMAS CARDS!!!! but im also looking foward into doing some DIY crafts. I been "pinning" around and ive seen some pretty neat things that i would LOVE LOVE to try before the year is over......key word, TRY!!!

Like this is from a tutorial on how to make an awesome wreath out of xmas balls. loved iT!!!

eddieross.com via Lorena on Pinterest

so we'll see how that goes. i never do anything like this, so this year might be different. im usually on the more traditional side of wreaths. But i love this one. Just gotta figure out my colors. :)

Well its bed time, got to wake up early to hit the gym!!!

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