Saturday, May 3, 2008


DAY 9 of 40: MAN!!!! WAS I UP ALL NIGHT LAST NIGHT!!!! ive never had to make the amount of LOs in the time i did. (ok just 3, but within a hour each) Over at SiSTV they have been working us all night and morning, i just woke up not too long ago and im still sleepy, but since i dont have anything else to do today, why not scrap!!! So i got a chance to finish the LO i was gonna do for the NORMAL challenge over on SAY IT IN SCRAP, i just loved how it turned out given that i finished it like in 30 MINUTES!!!!!!!! but here it is: a NORMAL girl....LIVING in A MESSED UP WORLD!! The Journaling reads: "This world I live in has gotten so CRAZY!!! When will this chaos JUST STOP!! Everything should be peaceful according to me!! So why does a normal girl like me have to go thru this!" i thought this was a fun challenge, i thought of it but didnt think i was gonna get it done soo quick. but yea there u go. Heres the other LO i did last night: DIGI/////DOG DAYS OF SUMMER ALWAYS FAITHFUL(SEMPER FI) LO:


Kristi said...

So glad you joined us at Say It for Challenge #2! Your layout is fabulous! You definitely have a raw talent. THanks again!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff.
I just found your blog and love it.
Look forward to reading more.
my website